This new life

You would not believe how my life has changed so much in a measly 3 months. I was thinking about it and decided that I needed to write it down, to document it. In 3 months, I'm o longer living in an abusive, toxic house and have cut ALL toxic people out of my life. I've learned that I need to be strong enough to blow past the drama and the fights and just cut them off. It's that simple. I've gotten a new gaming computer, gotten more into DnD and other RPG games, and now have a fish in which I adore. I think he's given me 3 gray hairs already and It's only been 5 days! Everyday, is a new adventure and I can choose how I want it to play out. Before it was always decided by my family, some toxic friends and my lack of motivation. I'm still working on the motivation part, but oh my god. My life is so different and I'm much happier now with the people in my life, with what I'm spending my time on. I found a guy that I really like. We went out on a date on Saturday and we're going on another one this Saturday! I've hiked through the woods close to campus and shared some secrets there with one of my best friends. And this time, I know it won't be used as a weapon against me. I go out to dinner with my other best friend mitch almost every night and sometimes our other friends join us. And I think for the first time in LONG time...I have hope. I have hope that y life will only get better. Yeah, I'm still struggling with my ADHD and school, but I have great friends by my side who encourage me and help me instead of making fun of me and tearing me down. I'm finally able to make my own choices and I'm determined to make good ones in this new life.


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