The Truth

What do you do when you look around and all you see is bits and pieces of your life swirling in a raging storm around you? What do you do when all of those that care are on the outside looking in, and no one can reach you? What do you do when the eye of the storm closes in on you, but no one else can see it? What if you can't tell them?

If I'm being honest I don't know. But I do know that no storm lasts forever, so we have to stand strong while it takes it course. It can be tiring, frustrating, saddening, and lonely, but just know that there are others that are trying to do the same. Besides, after the storm, there's always reconstruction in which you can do anything. You can rebuild or build something newer, wiser, and better than ever before. Although no one can completely get in that storm with you, we are all there until it passes so we may be of any help. In the meantime, we are there carefully watching, waiting and making sure you're breathing and alive. We can encourage you and help you stay up, but only if you're ready and willing. Are you ready?


This is for anyone who's struggling right now :) 


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